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Reference Files

No. Detail Path Last update
1 REFDRT_importTariff39172100_20240725 Import Duty Rate > 26-07-2567 10:48:05
2 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Aug.) 2024 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Start July 2019) > 25-07-2567 16:19:31
3 REFDRT_importTariff403_20240723 Import Duty Rate > 23-07-2567 16:20:41
4 REFDRT_importTariff403_20240715 Import Duty Rate > 19-07-2567 14:32:03
5 REFDRT_importTariff403_20240718 Import Duty Rate > 19-07-2567 14:31:37
6 REFDRT_importTariff84271000_20240718 Import Duty Rate > 18-07-2567 11:55:24
7 REFDRT_importTariff87168010_20240715 Import Duty Rate > 15-07-2567 10:46:13
8 REFDRT_importTariff311_20240711 Import Duty Rate > 11-07-2567 15:49:08
9 REFDRT_importTariff39173999_20240711 Import Duty Rate > 11-07-2567 15:48:44
10 REFDRT_importTariff_LVG Import Duty Rate > 04-07-2567 16:47:08
11 REFPVC_Open_LVG Privilage Code 04-07-2567 16:46:04
12 REFDRT_importTariff96083090_20240702 Import Duty Rate > 02-07-2567 13:55:38
13 REFDRT_importTariff96190099_20240627 Import Duty Rate > 28-06-2567 08:01:31
14 REFDRT_importTariff403_20240625 Import Duty Rate > 25-06-2567 16:50:21
15 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Jul.) 2024 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Start July 2019) > 25-06-2567 16:35:23
16 REFDRT_importTariff403_20240624 Import Duty Rate > 24-06-2567 13:54:58
17 REFDRT_importTariff34029013_20240624 Import Duty Rate > 24-06-2567 09:58:39
18 REFDRT_importTariff85176900_20240620 Import Duty Rate > 20-06-2567 14:59:55
19 REFDRT_importTariff307_20240617 Import Duty Rate > 17-06-2567 16:36:07
20 REFDRT_importTariff403_20240614 Import Duty Rate > 14-06-2567 10:28:46
21 REFDRT_importTariff95059000_20240613 Import Duty Rate > 13-06-2567 10:04:24
22 REFDRT_importTariff84148049_20240604 Import Duty Rate > 05-06-2567 08:40:05
23 REFDRT_importTariff403_20240531 Import Duty Rate > 31-05-2567 14:08:05
24 Unit Code Unit Code 30-05-2567 10:58:16
25 REFDRT_importTariff337_20240528 Import Duty Rate > 30-05-2567 10:28:01
26 Codes of Statistics 2022 (Effective since 01/06/2024) Tariff Statistic 28-05-2567 14:55:24
27 REFDRT_importTariff403_20240527 Import Duty Rate > 27-05-2567 16:18:02
28 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Jun.) 2024 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Start July 2019) > 27-05-2567 06:30:23
29 REFDRT_importTariff403_20240523 Import Duty Rate > 23-05-2567 09:16:24
30 REFDRT_importTariff85017210_20240516 Import Duty Rate > 16-05-2567 16:02:17
31 REFDRT_importTariff403_20240514 Import Duty Rate > 16-05-2567 10:03:16
32 REFDRT_importTariff_403_34029012 Import Duty Rate > 16-05-2567 09:51:42
33 REFDRT_importTariff_337_35069190 Import Duty Rate > 16-05-2567 09:51:17
34 REFDRT_importTariff_337_59069990 Import Duty Rate > 16-05-2567 09:50:45
35 REFDRT_importTariff39169091_20240508 Import Duty Rate > 09-05-2567 09:26:42
36 REFDRT_importTariff63031990_20240503 Import Duty Rate > 03-05-2567 13:13:13
37 REFDRT_importTariff_403_30042567 Import Duty Rate > 02-05-2567 13:52:48
38 Import / Export Exchange Rate (May.) 2024 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Start July 2019) > 26-04-2567 11:36:16
39 REFDRT_importTariff21069099_403 Import Duty Rate > 24-04-2567 14:12:07
40 REFDRT_importTariff_403_22042567 Import Duty Rate > 23-04-2567 07:26:44
41 REFDRT_importTariff90262090_20240422 Import Duty Rate > 22-04-2567 09:36:11
42 REFDRT_importTariff87036072_20240419 Import Duty Rate > 19-04-2567 16:23:52
43 REFDRT_importTariff109255_20240419 Import Duty Rate > 19-04-2567 16:08:00
44 REFDRT_importTariff_403_20240404 Import Duty Rate > 05-04-2567 08:43:33
45 REFDRT_importTariff109255_20240328 Import Duty Rate > 28-03-2567 12:00:09
46 REFDRT_403_13023100_20240327130416 Import Duty Rate > 27-03-2567 13:22:07
47 REFDRT_i403_87038099_20240327123804 Import Duty Rate > 27-03-2567 13:14:54
48 REFDRT_importTariff20240327110232 Import Duty Rate > 27-03-2567 11:33:45
49 REFDRT_importTariff0240327110439 Import Duty Rate > 27-03-2567 11:31:18
50 ข้อมูลติดต่อ+ผู้พัฒนาซอฟต์แวร์เพื่อส่งข้อมูลกับระบบ+Paperless+กรมศุลกากร+(Update+26_03_2567) - > 26-03-2567 10:13:50
51 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Apr.) 2024 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Start July 2019) > 26-03-2567 06:39:49
52 REFDRT_importTariff109255_20240322 Import Duty Rate > 22-03-2567 14:52:53
53 REFDRT_importTariff20240315110746 Import Duty Rate > 15-03-2567 12:18:37
54 REFDRT_403_82073000_20240315101534 Import Duty Rate > 15-03-2567 12:16:36
55 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Mar.) 2024 เปลี่ยนแปลงอัตราแลกเปลี่ยนสกุลเงิน EGP Import / Export Exchange Rate (Start July 2019) > 15-03-2567 07:44:25
56 Berth Number Berth Number 14-03-2567 16:29:55
57 REFDRT_add_403_TJ1 Import Duty Rate > 12-03-2567 15:49:22
58 REFDRT_importTariff20240308 Import Duty Rate > 08-03-2567 10:36:50
59 REFDRT_importTariff109255_20240307 Import Duty Rate > 08-03-2567 09:07:45
60 REFDRT_importTariff109255_20240304 Import Duty Rate > 04-03-2567 11:57:31
61 Permission Goods Excel Permission Goods > 29-02-2567 10:53:30
62 Permission Goods Zip Permission Goods > 29-02-2567 10:47:27
63 REFDRT_210_85439090_20240228135538 Import Duty Rate > 28-02-2567 14:39:39
64 REFDRT_importTariff20240228133547 Import Duty Rate > 28-02-2567 14:00:30
65 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Mar.) 2024 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Start July 2019) > 23-02-2567 17:35:37
66 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Feb.) 2024 เปลี่ยนแปลงอัตราแลกเปลี่ยนสกุลเงิน KES Import / Export Exchange Rate (Start July 2019) > 23-02-2567 16:43:18
67 Excise Tariff Excise Tariff > 23-02-2567 14:08:57
68 Area Code Area Code 23-02-2567 14:05:39
69 REFDRT_importTariff7005 Import Duty Rate > 23-02-2567 08:17:45
70 REFDRT_importTariff109255_close_ Import Duty Rate > 23-02-2567 08:16:02
71 REFDRT_importTariff20240221112300 Import Duty Rate > 21-02-2567 11:49:12
72 REFDRT_importTariff109255_20240219 Import Duty Rate > 19-02-2567 15:36:37
73 REFDRT_403_34025092_20240219094028 Import Duty Rate > 19-02-2567 10:00:40
74 REFDRT_209_20240216154923_16022024 Import Duty Rate > 16-02-2567 16:23:31
75 REFDRT_importTariff109255_20240216 Import Duty Rate > 16-02-2567 14:30:02
76 REFDRT_importTariff109255_20240214 Import Duty Rate > 14-02-2567 11:07:48
77 REFDRT_311_73143900_20240213164606 Import Duty Rate > 14-02-2567 07:58:38
78 REFDRT_403_20240213130527 Import Duty Rate > 13-02-2567 13:25:40
79 REFDRT_importTariff109255_2024021 Import Duty Rate > 13-02-2567 07:25:55
80 Stucture Province Code Province Code 12-02-2567 16:07:18
81 REFDRT_importTariff20240212143042 Import Duty Rate > 12-02-2567 15:24:38
82 Province Code Province Code 12-02-2567 15:16:33
83 REFDRT_importTariff109255_20240209 Import Duty Rate > 09-02-2567 12:21:05
84 REFDRT_add_403_34029011 Import Duty Rate > 08-02-2567 11:09:45
85 REFDRT_403_85258990_20240205132724 Import Duty Rate > 05-02-2567 15:41:36
86 REFDRT_add209_85444929 Import Duty Rate > 05-02-2567 15:39:18
87 REFDRT_importTariff20240202100825 Import Duty Rate > 02-02-2567 11:02:00
88 REFTRS File Structure Tariff Statistic 01-02-2567 12:02:40
89 REFDRT_add_403_85286990 Import Duty Rate > 30-01-2567 16:01:46
90 REFDRT_DMRT_add403_260167 Import Duty Rate > 26-01-2567 14:14:01
91 REFDRT_importTariff20240126104634 Import Duty Rate > 26-01-2567 11:09:56
92 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Feb.) 2024 Import / Export Exchange Rate (Start July 2019) > 25-01-2567 14:16:44
93 REFDRT_403_96082000_20240125104621 Import Duty Rate > 25-01-2567 11:13:41
94 REFDRT_403_39269089_20240125102058 Import Duty Rate > 25-01-2567 10:54:09
95 REFDRT_importTariff20240118103510 Import Duty Rate > 18-01-2567 11:07:37
96 REFDRT_403_21069072_20240117100907 Import Duty Rate > 17-01-2567 10:36:33
97 REFDRT_importTariff109255_202401121(1) Import Duty Rate > 12-01-2567 16:45:24
98 REFDRT_importTariff109255_202401121 Import Duty Rate > 12-01-2567 16:42:15
99 REFDRT_add_403_85443012 Import Duty Rate > 12-01-2567 14:45:09
100 REFDRT_add_403_11012567 Import Duty Rate > 11-01-2567 12:03:30
All result 1,528 is 16 Page(s)

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