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For more information please contact. :
Customs Care Center at Tel. 1164
The Customs Department, 1, Suntorn Kosa Road, Klong Toey, Bangkok, 10110
Fax : +66-2667-7767
E-mail : saraban@customs.go.th
Call Center : 1164

Customs Department General Orders

 Prohibited Goods 
are goods for which either the import into or export out of Thailand are prohibited. The following are some examples of prohibited goods: 
  • Narcotics 
  • Pornographic materials
  • Counterfeit trademark goods and IPR infringing goods
  • Fake notes or coins
  • Reserved animals or CITES-listed wildlife
 Restricted goods 
are goods of which the imports and exports are restricted by law and therefore require a permit from related government agencies. The permit must be presented during Customs formalities. Examples of restricted goods are as follows:

Types of Goods Issuing Authorities
Buddha image, artifact/objects, antique Fine Arts Department (http://nsw.finearts.go.th)
Guns, bullets, explosives, and the equivalents to guns Department Of Provincial Administration, Ministry of  Ministry of Interior (www.dopa.go.th)
Plants and their parts Department of Agriculture (www.doa.go.th)
Living animals and carcass  Department of Livestock Development (www.dld.go.th)
Food, medicine, cosmetics and food supplement Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  (www.fda.moph.go.th)
Vehicle parts Ministry of Industry  (www.industry.go.th)
Cigarettes, tobacco and alcoholic beverages Excise Department (www.excise.go.th)
Communication Radio Devices and telecommunications equipment Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission  (www.nbtc.go.th)

Last update : October 30, 2018 14:14:41
Viewer counter : 745,953
For more information please contact. : Suvarnabhumi Airport Passenger Control Customs Office
Bang Phli District, Samut Prakan 10540 Thailand
Telephone number : 02-134-0400
E-Mail Address : 67000000@customs.go.th

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