Deputy Director-General of the Customs Department presided over the opening ceremony of the "Sub-Regional Workshop on Training Management for the Members of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)"

On 15 January 2024, at 10.00 hrs., Mrs.Nunthita Sirikup, Deputy Director-General of the Customs Department presided over opening ceremony of the "Sub-Regional Workshop on Training Management for the Members of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)", along with Mrs.Arpapannee Sangmukda, Director of Human Resource Management Division, participated in the opening ceremony of the training. This project is held from 15 th -19 th January 2024 at Customs Academy, the Customs Department, Bangkok, which the project is a collaboration between the World Customs Organization (WCO), the Customs Department and the Asia/ Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB
A/P), under the sponsorship from the Customs Cooperation Fund of Japan. This project aimed to provide the customs officials in the ASEAN region had a knowledge on training management and had the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences between trainees and expert lecturers from the World Customs Organization.


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