241st/242nd Sessions of the WCO Permanent Technical Committee (PTC), 24-26 October 2023

Mrs. Kitjakuck Srinuchsart, Deputy Director-General, Ms. Balaree Ratnapinda, Minister (Customs) from Office of Customs Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy, Brussels, and Ms. Anoma Incheunjai, Director of International Cooperation Section, together with delegates from Strategy and Planning Division and Customs Standard Procedures and Valuation Division attended the 241st/242nd Sessions of the WCO Permanent Technical Committee (PTC) during 24-26 October 2023 at the WCO Headquarter, Brussels, Belgium. The meeting updated and discussed on various Customs technical issues including Cross-border Regulatory Interconnectivity Framework, Green Customs, Technology and digital Customs, and E-Commerce as well as Inclusiveness and women in trade.


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