The Thai Customs Department signed the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) on AEO Program between Thai Customs - New Zealand Customs Service

On 29 May 2023, Mr.Patchara Anunatasilpa, Director-General of the Thai Customs Department and Ms. Christine Stevenson, Comptroller and Chief Executive of the New Zealand Customs Service have officially signed the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) on Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) between the Customs Department of the Kingdom of Thailand and the New Zealand Customs Service at the 24th World Customs Organization regional heads meeting held in Perth, Australia. Upon the execution of this MRA, Thai AEOs would be able to enjoy the benefits of trade facilitation on customs procedures when exporting to New Zealand. This MRA will become the 6th fully executed MRA that Thailand has entered into, following the MRAs with other Customs administrations, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Australia and Japan.


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