The 24th Regional Heads of Customs Administration (RHCA) Conference in Perth, Western Australia, Australia from 28-31 May 2023

Mr.Patchara Anuntasilpa, Director-General of the Customs Department, Mr.Pongthep Buasap, Deputy Director-General of the Customs Department, Acting Principal Advisor on Customs Control Development together with delegates from Thai Customs Department attended 24th Regional Heads of Customs Administration (RHCA) Conference in Perth, Western Australia, Australia from 28-31 May 2023. In this regard, the delegates discussed about the implementation progress of Regional Strategic Plan (2022-2024) and candidates for the Secretary-General of WO proposed their visions and ran nomination campaign for the election of the next Secretary of WCO together with Hong Kong’s candidacy of the next WCO A/P Vice-Chair.


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