2023 International Customs Day “Nurturing the Next Generation: Promoting a Culture of Knowledge-sharing and Professional Pride in Customs”

Mr. Patchara Anuntasilpa, Director-General of the Thai Customs Department, presided over the celebration of 2023 International Customs Day and awarded Customs officials the WCO Certificates of Merit on 26 January 2023 at Customs Hall, Building 1, the Customs Department.

The Director-General stated that International Customs Day (ICD) is annually held on 26 January. For this year, Customs community celebrates the 70th Anniversary of the WCO, with
a theme “Nurturing the Next Generation: Promoting a Culture of Knowledge-sharing and Professional Pride in Customs”. This theme takes the new generation as its crucial aspect, where Customs Administrations are encouraged to attract and support new young officers through knowledge management. Customs should therefore adopt their organizational culture to support knowledge-sharing for newcomers and also impart knowledge to the next generation. This can lead to pride in customs career and inspire the sense of belonging in this community

In this regard, a total of 29 customs officers who have demonstrated their commitment to the 2023 theme, were selected to be awarded the Certificates of Merit from the World Customs Organization (WCO.) The guests of honor in this event included Thai Customs executives, Bangkok-based Customs Attachés together with representatives from Embassies and International Organizations.


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